Ernest T Prettiest Rock

Ernest T Prettiest Rock

Ernest T. Bass is always looking for the best throwing rock and Weaver's has them.  You can see right there on the rock that it's the "prettiest rock ya ever did see" and you'll be proud to carry it, or them if you buy more than one, in your burlap sack.

These "rock" shaped stress relievers are perfect for squeezing and work that stress out of the body.  Even if you do end up throwing one at someone causing you stress, it's unlikely to do much harm. So, feel safe in bringing out your inner "Ernest T." with the  "Prettiest rock ya ever did see."

Size: 4" x 2-1/2" x 2"

See Allan "Floyd" Newsome get hit by one of these "stress rocks" during the recording of Two Chairs No Waiting episode 723.